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Tunes Tuesday

Starting today we are adding Tunes Tuesday to the IndieBlush Blog! We know how much our readers love music and just like Tuesday is the day for new movies to come out on DVD, we'll be adding new music and some not so new music to the blog. In honor of The Grand Budapest Hotel being nonimated for an Oscar for Best Film, we figured our first tune would be "Budapest" by George Ezra .

This is the English singer-songwriters first full length album, although he did release two EP's with one being in October 2013 and the other in March 2014. Wanted On Voyage was released today on Itunes with a total 15 tracks and includes his chart topping hit "Budapest".

Ezra has Bob Dylan influences with his tunes and if you were a child of the sixties and seventies you'll definitely enjoy his music. So go ahead, listen to George Ezra and while you're at it, take the time to watch The Grand Budapest Hotel; you will not be disappointted.

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